Natalia Santos
P e r s o n a l A s s i s t a n t
Gourmand, passionate about gastronomy, and constantly searching for new culinary treasures, Natalia Santos has experience in the gastronomic world, having worked, amongst others, in the commercial and marketing department of several publications, such as Mesa Abierta (gastronomic magazine of El Día Group), Océanos (Fred Olsen Express on-board magazine), Fly Magazine (CanaryFly on-board magazine) or Plaza del Duque Magazine.

Tomás Regalado
Tomás (Toto) Regalado García, December 27 1983.
Tomás Regalado, widely known as Toto, was born on December 27th 1983 on the Island of Tenerife. Cooking has been his passion from childhood. His grandmother was his first teacher, letting him help her bake delicious cakes and biscuits. But opportunity did not present itself until he was 20 years of age. His brother run a newly opened restaurant, it was fully booked, and needed another pair of hands. On that day Toto discovered professional cooking.
The early days were hard, but worth telling about. He had to scrub pans, peel vegetables and potatoes in order to earn everybody’s trust.
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